The extraction of decorative rock is one of Wallonia’s economic activities with the widest variety of applications in the construction, renovation and restoration sectors.

Founded in 1990, the PIERRES et MARBRES de WALLONIE not-for-profit organisation now includes 24 quarries, which produce approximately fifteen varieties of natural rock. Our activities are supported by the Walloon Region (SPW) and the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency (AWEX).

Our mission: to educate, communicate and identify

Our primary role involves promoting the use of decorative stones in Belgium and neighbouring countries, by:

  • creating and managing the ‘Local stone’ group brand;
  • organising and participating in events, trade fairs, exhibitions and conferences;
  • using digital communication via our website, our social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) and our YouTube channel;
  • publishing and disseminating books and brochures to educate and inspire people;
  • providing training and awareness activities for students and professionals;
  • identifying materials in an existing building for renovation or restoration works;
  • collaborating with official institutions and partners to define standards, technical certifications, etc.

Our work is aimed at both professionals (architects, project designers, project managers, public authorities, entrepreneurs) and individuals.

On this website, we gather as much information as possible about the specific features of our different stones and our members. However, for any business queries (prices, delivery times, etc.), please contact them directly.

Our values:

  • Ambition: Our natural stones, which are rich in history, sustainable and exceptional in terms of their look and technical qualities, are among the jewels of Walloon and Belgian heritage. We aim to increase their presence in public spaces and private homes in Belgium, but also in prestigious locations internationally.
  • Cohesion: We are united in the pursuit of our goals. We encourage and actively participate in collaborations between our members, institutions, construction and regional development partners, designers and artists and educational stakeholders.
  • Le développement durable: Nos pierres naturelles sont issues d’un héritage géologique wallon unique en son genre. L’écologie, la biodiversité, la circularité sont à la base de notre projet entrepreneurial. Nous entendons rendre à la nature ce qu’elle nous offre en l’utilisant avec la plus grande parcimonie.
  • Pride: Passion for a centuries-old profession and the endless pursuit of beauty, reliability and sustainability are a core part of our DNA. We are proud of our natural Walloon stones, which beautify and lend durability to our towns and villages, whilst contributing sustainably to individual and collective well-being.
  • Sharing: We belong to an extensive value chain, in which there are many varied yet complementary skills. The mutual trust between all stakeholders in this chain, as well as their commitment, leads to shared prosperity. We pride ourselves on passing our expertise and knowledge on to future generations.
  • Le Savoir, Savoir-faire et Faire savoir : Nos métiers sont exigeants. Leur maîtrise de même que les contraintes liées à l’exploitation d’une ressource naturelle non renouvelable prennent du temps et de l’énergie. Seule une vision globale et volontariste, associée à une aide politique efficace, permet de pérenniser le secteur. Continuer à promouvoir les atouts de nos pierres naturelles ornementales demeure un impératif vital.